Monday, September 27, 2010

Big Kick Off (Clean Start) Extravaganza

Clean start, new blog... that's my deal.

I had another TV blog, but I had left that one alone for so long that it felt like dropping it and starting over was the way to go. If you want to read any of my old entries, the old blog is still up at But, it's time to move on. This is my new blog, and while I'm well aware that there are far more than one million TV blogs out there, mine is better than all but 999,999 of them.... hence the new name.

The New Blog

First, the cast and characters; There's really only two people (well, real people, not the people inside the entertainment box).... Myself: Mike and The Wife. Now, it bears stating, that The Wife a) is the only person who will be reading this and b) will hate the tittle "The Wife". However, as the last blog saw her morph from "The Girlfriend" to "The Fiance", "The Wife" seems appropriate. -Aside: It just occurred to me that the argument could effectively be made "New Blog, New name for The Wife". It's a good point. I'll take it under consideration.- Anyway, that's the cast, Me and The Wife. As for the purpose of the blog, that's hard to say, but as for what you can expect, here it is: I watch a lot of TV (don't we all). Sometimes I have witty things to say about it (most of the time not). I will write some of the more clever things I think about TV here. I will write in a style that is rambling and hard to follow... that's just me, I'm as free as a bird, now, and this bird you cannot change.

OK, Off to a good start I think. First review: The Amazing Race (I'll give it it's own entry... seems more appropriate)

Note: I've got an idea. When I go off on an aside, I'm going to do it in a different color... Like This... Maybe that will help keep things clear?

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